500nm Diffraction Grating Replica with Latex Spheres

  • magnification calibration specimen

    Two-in-one; this standard for calibration provides a double-check of the accuracy of magnification calibration. It is particularly useful at higher magnification; up to 150,000x. The latex sphere size is 261nm and the carbon cross line grating replica with Au/Pd shadowing has a pitch or "d" spacing of 500nm or 2000 lines/mm. Replica has well-defined trench type grooves, which makes it easy to measure the 500nm pitch. Supplied on a G400, 400 square mesh copper grid.

    PELCO® Technical Notes, 500nm Diffraction Grating Replica with Latex Spheres, Product No. 673 (75KB PDF)

    673 - 500nm Diffraction Grating Replica with Latex Spheres, 2000 l/mm, on 3mm grid, each